
Quest to Fluidity: The journey continues

Ok so I declared my mission, my goal, my objective, my end to my means...but how am I doing?

I think I'm doing ok. I could probably be doing better. I didn't speak spanish all weekend because I was with Americans and nobody wanted to speak spanish. I could've practiced but I guess I needed a break too. By Monday evening I kind of missed speaking spanish.

But what have I been doing right?!?
  • Today I went to a grammar workshop by my program. It was a review of nothing new but I was glad I went.
  • Friday there's an excursion to Osuna (a small town).
  • Saturday there's a cultural fair type thing/ cultural exchange with Morrocan students.
  • Sunday there's another senderismo (hiking).
Of course it's all in spanish. On top of that I'm also trying to talk more with my family. And more with my co workers at my internship. And more in general. But it's an uphill battle. It's really hard to practice and speak constantly. I'm always thinking about my next word, sentence, conversation. I would say I'm doing much better but I'm not where I'd like to be...and I may never be my idea of what I should be.

I just have to keep working on asserting myself and, more than that, just talking. The problem is that I don't like to talk alot in englsih so it doesn't feel wrong when I don't have much to say in spanish. I MUST force myself to make comments, even if I think they're redundant or sound childish.

The quest continues!

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