In a little over a month I have spent:
S/ 1,050
Now before you have a heart attack, the current exchange rate is:
$1 USD = 2.79 Peruvian Nuveo Soles
So I've spent $375.402 USD. And that's not so bad.
I write down just about everything I spend but this is a low, but approximate, value.
I've been spending my money on:
Food (snacks, eating out, etc): 75%
Transportation (buses, taxis): 5%
Recreation(zoos, souvenirs, memories, etc.): 10%
Random (toiletries, hair stuff, minutes for phone): 10%
My dollar seems to go very far here but everyday I try to force myself to think like a Peruvian. And I know that spending the majority of my money on food is ridiculous, especially since meals are provided at my homestay. But food and snacks are cheap so it's more of an everyday struggle to try not to spend 5-6 soles on cookies and candy. :) And I spent more money on food the first 2 weeks because I bought snacks and lunch at school and now I don't.
I'm not restricting myself to a "budget" but I try to watch what I spend on a daily basis so that I'll have more money for important things like TRAVELING! I think I'm doing ok so far.
Thats pretty good!!! I've spent a lot more in ttown!!! Have fun!!!