
Buckle Down Time: Class

I officially started classes last week and completely started classes this week. What do I mean? I started my classes from my program last week but this week I started my class with españoles as well as my internship. Not only did I start everything...but I also changed homestays (more on that later). So how do I feel now that I have a full course load and my first internship???

Here is my schedule:
Monday:      10:30-12:30 Sales Merchandising (with spanish students)
                     1:00-3:00    Cervantes: Estudio de Quijote (a literature class
Tuesday:        9:00-10:30   International Marketing
                    11:00-6:00    Internship (with an hour for lunch)
Wednesday: 10:30-12:30  Sales Merchandising
                     1:00- 3:00    Cervantes
                     3:00-4:35     Intership classroom component
Thursday:       See Tuesday
Friday:           NO CLASS!!!

As you can see I have a pretty nice load this semester. Compared to last semester it's really difficult. All of my classes are in Spanish and there's actually work to do. Plus the internship is more of a time committment. None of this is bad but it's a difficult adjustment because last semester was like a vacation.

The highlights:
Antonio Navarro: He's the professor of both Sales Merchandising and International Marketing. I think I'm going to like both of these classes. In marketing we basically watch commercials and see powerpoints of the info. In Merchandising there's also powerpoints and the highlight is that he starts about 15 minutes late and will probably let us out early too. On Wednesday, he let us out 30 minutes early and started 15 minutes late. I have no problem with this. Between the 2 classes I see him everyday and he seems to be a good professor. He teaches lecture style but he also asks for light participation but it's not really required and he answers all the questions he asks himself. I have to listen really carefully though because he tells his jokes without a smile so I need to pay attention to figure out why people are laughing. He's kind of strict but he's also seems to be a really nice guy.

Internship: I'll probably dedicate a complete post to this but here's what I know so far. My tutor/supervisor is really nice. She smiles alot and understands that everything is really new. There's not a whole lot of work to be done. So far I'm making powerpoint presentations, IN ENGLISH, to recruit american students. The company teaches spanish to non-spanish students. So far I am not improving my spanish that much except for the fact that powerpoint is in Spanish. But it's a relaxed, small office and I think the internship itself will be pretty easy. But I'm not sure that this will be what I hoped for as far as improving my spanish. But then again, I've only been there 2 days.

No class on Fridays: This is self explanatory. Most people travel on the weekends, atleast some weekends. I don't know what I'll be doing when I'm not traveling but it's always nice to have a perpetual 3 day weekend.

The classes are challenging both academically and linguistically. Everything is still new so I'm still really excited. I have to prepare a group presentation everyweek for marketing as well as write a 600 word diary for my internship every week so I'm sure the excitement will start to wane soon.


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