
It's not Europe without Castillos

So a few weeks back I went on an excursion to some nearby pueblos to learn about castles. One thing about Europe is that there's no lack of castles. Every castle is amazing because we just don't have those in the US. We have nothing medieval because the US was founded hundreds of years after the castles were forgotten.

I really just like to go because I can get out of the city. Some castles are more interesting than others. These castles that we went to were not too spectacular. One of them we couldn't go in and the other was really just a tower but offered a great view of the town. I like the small town feel and the fact that everyone stares as we pass because they're not used to seeing people on tours. I just like walking around these places and seeing the little ladies with rolling shopping bags and all the old men at the cafes discussing whatever old men discuss.

The best part was the pasteleria ( the bakery). There were a bunch lined up on a street and they smelled so good. It took every fiber of my being not to order one of everything...one day I will break down though :)

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